
What is Affiliate Marketing? – Demystifying the World of Tech

Affiliate Marketing is a form of marketing based on the premise of referring or recommending other companies services or products. Through Affiliate Marketing, you can earn a commission for leads, sales, or impressions that you direct to that company. Why does Affiliate Marketing Matter?: Affiliate Marketing is a great and simple way to earn money…

Attack Page

How to Avoid Your Website from Getting Hacked

I’m just a little website, storing no customer data. Why would I get hacked? Hackers aren’t necessarily targeting you specifically. They’ve created a program that will scan the Internet for files they know are outdated and/or accessible. Once they’ve identified these files, the program will add harmful code to the file. Why should I worry?…

services page

What Goes On Your Services Page

A Services page should outline important content about what your company offers to its customers. There are a few key elements that the services page should outline to provide helpful information to the reader. The Services Your Services page needs to outline what it is your company does specifically. It should include all pertinent details…

About Page

What to Write on Your About Page

The About page of your website outlines important content about you and/or your company that will inform and attract customers. The key is to make sure the About page contains key elements that people look for when choosing your company instead of the competitor. About The Business Often for small businesses, the user is performing…