Audience Targeting

Are you dying to have the latest super expensive car that you probably can’t afford?
Are you craving a steak from that place that doesn’t exist in your state?
Are you a female with prostate problems? . . .

Though they can be entertaining (not always, but at least during the Super Bowl), how many of the commercials on television are really relevant to something you are interested in?

Casting a broad net may be effective at generating brand recognition, but when marketing efforts are squandered on groups of people who have little to no chance of converting to qualified leads, those efforts become costly.

Audience Targeting

A target audience is the demographic of people most likely to be interested in your product or service. Identifying a very specific group of people to market to is crucial to optimizing your marketing budget. These should be the people most likely to engage with your product or service and are closer to the buying stage rather than just starting their research.

How to Generate a Defined Target Audience

Very similar to playing the game “20 questions,” audience targeting requires you to ask yourself who your products or services are intended for, starting from the very obvious (is this for adults or children?) to the small details (is this for women ages 18-25 with curly or straight hair?).

There are countless factors that can be taken into consideration depending on your unique audience. These are some of the basics:

Demographics: Externally measurable characteristics of potential customers such as;


  • Gender
  • Location
  • Age
  • Marital Status
  • Income
  • Education
  • Race

Behaviors: Specific consumption patterns of potential customers which could consist of purchasing history and/or browsing history
Interests: The type of groups or activities a potential customer interacts with
Dayparting: The time of day or week that an audience is most likely to see your advertisement
Retargeting: Targeting an audience of people who have already engaged with your business

“Consumers who are retargeted in digital channels are 70% more likely to convert” -HubSpot

The World of Audience Targeting with Digital Marketing

There are numerous ways to succeed at audience targeting through digital marketing. In today’s online marketplace there is no reason for a 45 year old male to be seeing ads for female hair products. Advertising to an irrelevant audience is a waste of time and money.

Many digital advertising platforms contain extensive audience targeting and remarketing capabilities. This includes the likes of search engine ads or social media platforms, amongst other successful digital marketing systems. The keys is knowing how to use them. Facebook has even created a whole section for professional digital marketers to work in, because some of the most effective strategies are very advanced in ad development methods.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed with all of the options for audience targeting. Don’t market winter coats to people in Hawaii! The first step is to make a commitment to getting your business out there to those who will actually care about what you have to offer. We can help with the rest.