The term “Artificial Intelligence” typically generates immediate mental images of something from Terminator, Blade Runner, Star Trek, Star Wars or even the kids movie Wall-E. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is made possible by studying ways to make machines intelligent or capable of interpreting information and solving problems.
Machine Learning
One major component of A.I. marketing is machine learning. This is the concept of programs adapting to comprehend information through interpretation. For example, learning may consist of showing a program a photo of a frog and a lizard, then repeating the process with different photos until the program learned to determine what animal was in the image.This can also be done with relating concepts.
Data Analysis
The key behind A.I. marketing is a program’s ability to gather, compile and interpret data. This includes information such as the nuances of a shoppers behavior and activities to determine what kind of marketing would be most effective for that specific person. This compilation would take days, weeks or months for a human to accomplish. A.I. marketing can generate real-time analytics.
Marketing Action
One step farther than analysis, A.I. marketing systems have the ability to respond to the information gathered. Ad campaigns can be tailored using a persons color and tone preferences, contextual relevance depending on that person’s activities and even optimize the most ideal time for a person to receive an ad. This is concept is used in geofencing.
Current A.I. Marketing Uses
Search Queries
If you are looking for a new pair of Chuck Taylor Converse All-Star shoes, typing “Pink Chucks” into a search engine will get you the proper results because of A.I. marketing. This goes the same for spelling mistakes that are corrected by search engines.
Amazon has a lot of product, Spotify has a lot of music and Netflix has a lot of movies. Somehow, these companies are still able to suggest products, music and shows that are relevant to your taste. This is because of the A.I. marketing data that has been complied about your preferences.
As mentioned earlier, A.I. marketing uses compiled data for a specific customer or potential customer to provide a more targeted ad experience. Printing an ad in a newspaper is tough for a return because it is not relevant to much of the audience. This use of customer information often results in a great conversion rate.
Alexa did not just wake up one day and know the difference between “What is the temperature outside?” and “What is the weather forecast?” Machine learning has made it possible for speech recognition systems like Echo, Google Home and others to understand questions and respond accordingly as if you were asking an intelligent human. All of a sudden R2-D2 and Rosy the Robot seem pretty normal!
“The future of AI is probably a lot like the past: it nibbles. Artificial intelligence does a job we weren’t necessarily crazy about doing anyway, it does it quietly, and well, and then we take it for granted. No one complained when their thermostat took over the job of building a fire, opening the grate, opening a window, rebuilding a fire. And no one complained when the computer found 100 flights faster and better than we ever could. But the system doesn’t get tired, it keeps nibbling.” – Seth Godin, Author of 23 things artificially intelligent computers can do better/faster/cheaper than you can.