
The key to success for any brick and mortar business is bring customers through the door. Getting them through the door takes great products or services, creativity and a solid marketing strategy. Geofencing is a method of delivering hyperlocal ads that are delivered in a timely manner to customers who have reason to find those ads relevant.

Google has reported that people who view local ads are 25 percent more likely to make an in-store purchase.

Geofencing Avoids Advertising Overreach

There is no question that digital marketing is crucial to any business that wants to be found. An online, mobile-friendly (link mobile friendly blog) presence inspires trust and authority in your brand. There are a number of ways to get the word out about your business, including ways to perfect audience targeting. Geofencing takes that target process one step further and reaches to those who are already physically near your door. This is not the only use for Geofencing, but sending an advertisement to people who are within walking distance of your establishment makes it much more likely that they will head your way then if they were in the next town over.

Increased Traffic and Brand Awareness

Even if the potential customer who receives your ad is not in a position to visit your business, they have now been made aware that your business exists. Not only do they know who you are, they may have an idea of where you are. That brings them one step closer to walking in. It may not be this time, but be patient. Geofencing can also allow you to target customers coming or going from your competitor’s establishment. Send them a coupon as they are about visit a competitor and they may rethink where to do business.

Gather Market Location Data

Geofencing allows businesses to gather important information about the potential consumers in their area. This could include their online behavior as well as in-store shopping. Having information about your demographic can help businesses to develop messaging that is specific to their market, rather than offering generic ads hoping they match the customer. This knowledge allows location-based businesses incorporate and appreciate the unique features of their community.

Geofencing Evens the Playing Field

Technology to obtain information about customer demographics and specific marketing was once expensive and available only to the largest brands. Businesses of all sizes are now using geofencing to boost profits and drive sales using accurate customer targeting.

Could you use more customers walking through your door? Contact the experienced team at Tree Ring Digital to see if geofencing is right for your business.