services page

A Services page should outline important content about what your company offers to its customers. There are a few key elements that the services page should outline to provide helpful information to the reader.

The Services

Your Services page needs to outline what it is your company does specifically. It should include all pertinent details about what you provide. Stick to relevant and clearly defined information including the service, service description, and possibly pricing. When outlining your services, describe how they benefit the consumer. If you offer more than one service, we recommend creating separate pages that are targeted and dedicated to each service for SEO.

Should You Include Pricing?

Before listing your prices, look at your competitors and see if they include pricing on their Services page. Some sectors of business list prices upfront such as Yoga Classes, Hair Salons, Massage Therapists etc. If your competitors are not listing prices, then we recommend leaving it off the Services page.

What Type of Photos You Should You Use?

It is strongly recommended you use high quality photos of you performing the service. These photos will set up the expectations of what the consumer will get when using your goods or services. If the photos are not in line with what they expected, they’ll leave disappointed. It’s important to avoid stock photos as you don’t want to see your competitor using the same photo. Our previous post about photos on your website will provide more insight into how images impact your business.

Customers will click on your Services Page to understand what you do. This is an opportunity to tell them about what you do specifically, how it differs from the competitors, and what it can do for them. Keeping your Services page concise and informative will help drive customers to your business and keep them from looking elsewhere. Once you have a Service page you are comfortable with, make sure to modify or update to reflect any future changes in pricing or services.