An individualistic website for a career counseling service geared to quirky creatives

Client: Denver Career Catalyst

Category: Career Counselor

WordPress Website Development

As a niche career counseling service, Denver Career Catalyst needed a look – and verbiage – that would speak to a specific “untraditional” demographic. We chose an earthy color palette, distinctive font, and keywords like “quirky,” “fabulous,” “different,” and “creative” to signal an open mindset and a holistic approach to job counseling. 

Business owner Emily Frank blogs frequently, and needed to be able to easily add new entries to her site, so we built in that functionality – but we’re always available to help her if she gets stuck (or even if she needs to have a few blogs written).

And at the height of the pandemic when Emily decided to offer an online job search group through her site, we added a dedicated landing page for that service including original targeted verbiage, graphics, and the ability for participants to register.

“These guys are so easy to work with, and they totally “got” me! I kept procrastinating redoing my website, which wound up working fine because what these folks did for me is a thousand times nicer than what I could have done for myself. So worth the money!”

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