blog writing

What’s the Magic Formula for a Successful Business Blog?

is no concrete formula to follow, no specific word count to hit and no quota of post frequency to meet.

Some writers thrive with this sort of freedom, but others wither in the absence of deadlines and parameters. So, here are a few general things to think about when considering what article length and posting frequency is right for your blog’s personality and readership.

Quality Content

It may seem obvious, but some business bloggers get so wrapped up in driving traffic to their website that they forget what the true focus of a blog should be: to provide something meaningful to the reader that keeps them coming back. Some readers look forward to an entertaining light spot in their day, others strive to stay on top of the latest technology trends or want to be inspired. Think about who you are trying to reach and make sure your articles are useful and relevant to them. If you do this well, your readers will naturally become followers and will feel compelled to share your posts with others, which is the ultimate goal.

Short and Sweet

A meaningful post can be accomplished in as little as a few paragraphs, as long as the message is clear and impactful. If you need a minimum, we generally set ours around 300 words. Anything less can still be worth posting, but may be better suited to a different social platform, like Facebook or Twitter. If you regularly post articles that are too short, it encourages very brief site visits from your readers, which could negatively affect your page rank.

Long and Informative

Other articles may require a lot more depth and detail in order to really get a point across. The main thing to consider is the patience and dedication of your average reader. There is really no limit to the length of a blog article, as long as you are confident that your readers will stick it out to the end.

However, you will want to take more care with the layout of longer articles. Include headlines, bullet points and helpful images to make sure readers can absorb the main points if they revert to scanning.

If your article runs more than 800-1,000 words, you may want to consider breaking it up into a series of posts, which isn’t a bad thing. This tactic is actually beneficial, as it gives readers something to anticipate and come back for.

Consistent Posting

Once you have established a base of followers, it’s imperative to keep your posts consistent. You know how frustrating it is when your favorite TV show’s regular air time is unexpectedly interrupted? Would your routine be affected if the website for your favorite publication or news source was down? Think of your blog in the same way. You don’t want to set a precedent of daily posts and then drop off to once a month without explanation, nor do you want to start off posting weekly and then suddenly bombard your readers with so many articles that they can’t keep up. Either scenario could cause your readers to lose interest.

So, figure out what’s realistic early on; know how much time you can regularly dedicate to writing and pay attention to reader response, so you can gauge whether your readers are craving more or feeling overwhelmed. If you are struggling with this, keep in mind that you probably want to post once a month or more to stay on your readers’ radar. When you post more frequently, you increase the chances of people finding your blog, you build up content for SEO purposes, you learn more about your industry and you become a better writer. Remember, not every post has to be lengthy and brilliant. You can share links to your favorite blogs or mention a great article you just read to jump start a conversation.


There is room out there for a blog with your business’s unique voice and personality. Start it up with attention to these key points and readers will follow:

  • Know your target audience.
  • Provide content that is meaningful and useful to your audience.
  • Know how much blogging you can consistently keep up with.
  • Pay attention to reader response and adjust article length and post frequency to keep them satisfied.

If you struggle with writing or just can’t find the time to keep your business blog going, please give us a call at 303-218-5287. We blog for a variety of industries and would love to learn about your business and discuss blogging goals.