Using Thumbtack as a Referral Source

Thumbtack Lead GenerationThumbtack will link a professional up with applicable project requests. The professional does not have to provide a quote for every project; they should only quote jobs they feel suited to.

Cost: Credits ($1.67/credit) – View credit requirement per industry
Lead Process: User submits a project on the site and Thumbtack directs it to the appropriate contractors.
Review System: Yes

How it works

Users log in to Thumbtack and submit their request for quotes. These requests are then directed to the related business, which can submit a proposal. Businesses choose if it is a project they’d like to quote or not. If they choose to submit a proposal, they will pay the required number of credits per their industry for the quote and send their proposal back to the user. The user then chooses which company they’d like to use.


  • Credits are relatively inexpensive compared to other lead sites.
  • Businesses aren’t required to quote every request.
  • Straightforward process.


  • There can be an unlimited number of competitors in the area.

View Adroit Creative Solutions, LLC Profile to see a sample profile.